AvantGarde  Coaching
"There is a place that you are to fill, something you are to do, which no one else can do."

Florence Scovel Schinn

Be confident and yourself, in total serenity
Personal growth and evolution are important, especially if you are seeking the answers to questions, such as: 

- What is my purpose in life?

- How do I find my liberty?

- How do I find my serenity?

- How do I find my place in my home and in life?

- How do I contribute, meaningfully?

- How can I be myself, with confidence?

- What actions do I take to evolve, harmoniously? 

- How do I know I am taking right decisions?

- How do I know I am on the right path?

The answer to such questions are deep within you.
But by "doing" and not "being" it is all the more important for you to
take time out for yourself.

A Chakra Reading
  permits you to emerge from the depths of your trials and tribulations with strength, courage and confidence.  It is a reflection of yourself and is one way to advance in life, in total serenity

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